What We Do

Proof Reading and Content Editing

This service will help you improve the clarity and quality of your writing. It involves checking and correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, formatting, citations, and references. It may also include checking your work for consistency, accuracy, and formatting issues. We also can provide feedback and suggestions on how to enhance the paper’s structure, coherence, and flow, thus helping you achieve your goals of publishing or graduating.

Developmental Editing

During the process of developmental editing, we work together with you to improve your initial draft by identifying and addressing potential questions that your target audience may have. We aim to ensure that your work is clear, coherent, and credible, removing any barriers to comprehension. This collaboration may include additional research, revisions, and rewrites to refine your arguments, structure your points, and present your findings clearly and effectively.

Academic Writing Coach

During the coaching process, we offer assistance with various aspects of academic writing, including structure, style, grammar, citation, and argumentation. Our role is to provide guidance, feedback, and resources to help you overcome challenges such as writer’s block and procrastination. We also check in with you regularly to offer support and ensure accountability. Throughout this process, your voice as the author is preserved.

Content Formatting

We adhere to the formatting guidelines your institution or publication provides.

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